When forced to choose between Christ and the culture, will you submit to the culture or stand with Jesus? Join Dr. Frank Turek in this 23 lesson SELF-PACED COURSE!

Are you shaping culture?

Or, is the culture shaping YOU?

With the shift of ideologies in today's cultural climate, it's easy to question where Jesus stands on tough issues. Are you ready to learn how to face-off with the culture and stand with Jesus? Come join us in this phenomenal 23 lesson online course with Dr. Frank Turek--'Jesus vs. The Culture'!

YES! I'm ready to stand with Jesus!
Jesus vs. the Culture with Dr. Frank Turek

Can you answer the following questions? 🤔

You will after taking this course!

  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Socialism vs. Capitalism - Which one works and why?
  • What does it really mean to be free?
  • Cancel Culture: How should we respond when threatened?
  • What is your true idenity?
  • Can the Bible be trusted?
  • Does love require approval?
  • Equality vs. Equity: What's the difference?

  • Jesus didn't care about politics, did he?
  • Is it right to criticize Critical Race Theory?
  • What's the difference between Biblical Justice and Social Justice?
  • Evolution vs. Intelligence Design: How did we get here?
  • What does God and the Bible have to say about sex & love?
  • Progressive Christianity: What if you see it happening in your church?

Dr. Frank Turek - President of CrossExamined.org

This 23-LESSON COURSE is taught by Dr. Frank Turek!

Dr. Frank Turek has been providing evidence and answering questions from believers and non-believers about the Christian faith for over 20 years. He is a dynamic speaker and award-winning author or co-author of four books: Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to make their Case, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism, Hollywood Heroes, and Legislating Morality. As the President of CrossExamined.org, Frank presents powerful and entertaining evidence for Christianity at churches, high schools and at secular college campuses that are often hostile to his message. He has also debated several prominent atheists including Christopher Hitchens and David Silverman, president of American Atheists.

"I loved all of it...I truly learned so much. My action plan going away from this course is to keep asking questions to get people thinking about their thinking!"

- Nadia O.

Jesus vs. the Culture with Dr. Frank Turek - PREVIEW SAMPLE

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Jesus vs. The Culture

SELF-PACED COURSE with Dr. Frank Turek

Jesus vs. the Culture - SELF-PACED course with Dr. Frank Turek

  • 23 Complete Lessons
  • 22+ Hours of Video Lessons
  • Online Lesson Commentary
  • PowerPoint PDFs from Video Lessons
  • Downloadable Questions Document
  • Question Answer Key
  • Access to Course Content for 1 Year
  • A "Toolbox" of Additional Lesson-Enhancing Videos and Resources

COURSE Price = $129

YES! Buy now

Prefer to study with others and learn from the Instructor? Not to worry!

Click below to learn about the PREMIUM version of this course.

"This course is a gift, thank you for equipping us for the battle of living in the world."

- Rock A.

'Jesus vs. the Culture' includes over 22 hours of video and written commentary with further explanations and questions for thought and discussion. If you sign up for the premium course, you’ll have access to assignments and quizzes and be LIVE on ZOOM with Dr. Frank Turek on 7 different occasions during the course for 1 HR+ Q&A sessions! But you’ll need to sign up soon because seats in the premium class are limited to ensure everyone can interact LIVE with Frank!

Jesus vs. the Culture with Dr. Frank Turek

The PREMIUM course is jam-packed with so much great content that instead of leaving out essential information, we decided to divide the material into TWO semesters! When you enroll in the PREMIUM course, you'll go through Lessons 1-11 during SEMESTER 1 (April 8-May 21), take a summer hiatus (surf's up!), and then return for Lessons 12-23 during SEMESTER 2 (August 19-October 1), for a total of 12 weeks of online classroom time. You can see an outine of the material covered in the course in the COURSE CURRICULUM section below.

The PREMIUM course is jam-packed with so much great content that instead of leaving out essential information, we decided to divide the material into TWO semesters! When you enroll in the PREMIUM course, you'll go through Lessons 1-11 during SEMESTER 1 (April 8-May 21), take a summer hiatus (surf's up!), and then return for Lessons 12-23 during SEMESTER 2 (August 19-October 1), for a total of 12 weeks of online classroom time. You can see an outine of the material covered in the course in the COURSE CURRICULUM section below.

"Frank offered a very logical, clear and relevant presentation. He uses sources and promotes other ministries all while handling the tough issues with the right dose of compassion."

- Dan B.

These books are an optional source for this course.

Money, Greed, and God by Jay W. Richards

Money, Greed and God

by Jay W. Richards

Course Curriculum

Jesus vs. the Culture with Dr. Frank Turek
  • 01

01 - Who Do You Trust?

  • Intro
  • S.T.O.P.
  • What Do Other Religions Say
  • Lord, Liar, Lunatic
  • Bonus Q&A
  • 02

02 - What Is the Purpose of Life?

  • Intro
  • Atheism
  • The 'What' the Bible Says
  • The Purpose of Life
  • Belief That vs. Belief In
  • What God Wants You To DO
  • 03

03 - Can We Trust the Bible? (Part 1)

  • What Culture Says About the Bible
  • Is the Bible Unreasonable
  • Was the Bible Invented?
  • Is the New Testament True
  • Errors and Contradictions
  • Bonus Q&A
  • 04

04 - Can We Trust the Bible? (Part 2)

  • Is the Bible a House of Cards?
  • Do We Know Everything About Science?
  • P.A.T.H.S.
  • Why We Can Trust the Bible
  • Bonus Q&A
  • 05

05 - Where Did We Come From? (Part 1)

  • Where Did We Come From
  • Human Evolution
  • The Evidence for Intelligence
  • H.I.S. L.I.F.E.
  • Hereditary Limits and Information in DNA
  • 06

06 - Where Did We Come From? (Part 2)

  • What Every Worldview Needs to Answer
  • H.I.S. L.I.F.E. (Cont.)
  • Statiscally Unlikely Mutations
  • Lethal Mutations and Transitionary Forms
  • Bonus Q&A
  • 07

07 - Where Did We Come From? (Part 3)

  • Irreducible Complexity
  • The Fossil Record
  • Epigentic Information
  • God or Nihilism
  • 08

08 - Identity

  • Intro
  • Modern Culture and Identity
  • What Defines You?
  • Finding Your Identity
  • Who Is Your Commanding Officer?
  • Bonus Q&A
  • 09

09 - Freedom

  • What's Wrong With the World?
  • Free From and Free To
  • Does Atheism Offer Freedom?
  • True Freedom
  • 10

10 - Sex and Love (Part 1)

  • God and Sex
  • The Religion of Sex
  • Contradictions Within the Religion of Sex
  • What the Culture Says About Sex
  • Bonus Q&A
  • 11

11 - Does Jesus Trump Your Politics?

  • Christians and Politics
  • The Greatest Commandment
  • Does Abortion Trump Everything Else?
  • Does Jesus Trump Your Politics?
  • 12

12 - Sex and Love (Part 2)

  • Review
  • Sex, Marriage, and Love
  • Does Love Require Approval?
  • Bonus Q&A
  • 13

13 - Economics and Human Nature (Part 1)

  • What is Socialism?
  • Why Doesn't Socialism Work? (Part 1)
  • Why Doesn't Socialism Work? (Part 2)
  • Why Doesn't Socialism Work? (Part 3)
  • 14

14 - Economics and Human Nature (Part 2)

  • Four Questions for Socialists and Communists
  • Heaven on Earth and the Piety Myths
  • The Winner-Loser Myth
  • Ideas Create Wealth
  • The Greed and Static Myths
  • 15

15 - Economics and Human Nature (Part 3)

  • Five Myths - Review
  • The Root of All Evil
  • Was the Early Church Communist?
  • Why Capitalism Works
  • Bonus Q&A
  • 16

16 - Social Justice (Part 1)

  • Justice vs. Social Justice
  • The Fundamentals of Critical Theory
  • Four Biblical Problems with Critical Theory
  • Contradictory Worldviews
  • Bonus Q&A
  • 17

17 - Social Justice (Part 2)

  • Two Secular "Heroes"
  • Over Simplication
  • The Oppressed vs. The Oppressor
  • Equality vs. Equity
  • 18

18 - Social Justice (Part 3)

  • What is Justice?
  • Biblical vs. Secular Justice
  • A More Biblically Just Society
  • Correcting Policy Injustices
  • 19

19 - Deception

  • How Does the Culture Deceive?
  • Pretty Words
  • Deceived by Ugliness
  • Linguistic Theft
  • The Same Values
  • 20

20 - Progressive Christianity (Part 1)

  • What is Progressive Christianity
  • What Makes Progressive Christianity Attractive?
  • Why is Culture an Unreliable Guide?
  • No Hell, No Justice
  • 21

21 - Progressive Christianity (Part 2)

  • How is Progressive Christianity Contradictory?
  • Casualties of Progressive Christianity
  • What Progressive Christianity Gets Wrong About God
  • God is Not Like Us
  • 22

22 - Progressive Christianity (Part 3)

  • How to Respond to Progressive Christianity
  • Five Signs Progressive Christianity is in Your Church
  • Deconversion
  • God's Will
  • 23

23 - Cancel Culture

  • What is Cancel Culture?
  • Why the Need to Cancel?
  • Responding to Cancel Culture
  • Choose Your Commanding Officer
  • Bonus Q&A

"This course caused me to think, and even change some of my previously held positions. It also strengthened some of my arguments."

- Alec F.

Frequently Asked Questions


When do the LIVE Zoom sessions take place for the PREMIUM course?

Tuesdays @ 9PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific). Each meeting lasts 1 hour. Please click HERE to download the course schedule to see the specific dates of the Zoom sessions.

What type of payments do you accept?

Currently we accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and check cards (as long as they are connected with one of the major credit card companies listed above) as well as PayPal.

Is my information safe and secure?

In order to ensure security, all payments are processed through Authorize.net or PayPal. These are highly secure and use industry-leading technology (such as SSL) to keep your information safe.

Can one person enroll in the course and multiple people attend the Zoom session with the student?

Unfortunately, due to copyright, privacy and security issues the answer to this question is NO. We understand the desire to share these awesome sessions in this manner, but each course is a “closed” course. This means that each student enrolled in a course with LIVE recorded sessions, through their enrollment, has given permission for recording of the Zoom sessions for use by the student’s in their enrolled class ONLY and verified that they are not a minor. To remain GDPR compliant and protect privacy and security, we authenticate each student joining our Zoom meetings. This privacy is also sought to create a place where our students get to know the others in their group and feel comfortable in sharing personal thoughts and questions.

"Frank is a passionate and extremely engaging and effective teacher. This is a course
suitable for new believers and especially for mature disciples who wish to grow in their witness and ability to engage the culture. I highly recommend this course!"

- John R.

Jesus vs. The Culture

SELF-PACED COURSE with Dr. Frank Turek

Jesus vs. the Culture - SELF-PACED course with Dr. Frank Turek

  • 23 Complete Lessons
  • 22+ Hours of Video Lessons
  • Online Lesson Commentary
  • PowerPoint PDFs from Video Lessons
  • Downloadable Questions Document
  • Question Answer Key
  • A "Toolbox" of Additional Lesson-Enhancing Videos and Resources
  • Access to Course Content for 1 Year

COURSE Price = $129

"I loved being able to talk to Frank directly. Thank you so much for the opportunity!"

- Jenny B.