For pastors, church leaders, concerned citizens, and

anyone looking for the right words to defend the pro-life position!


Private Turnkey Course

For Teachers and Group Leaders

Why do extra work when you could be teaching students in just a few days? Through one of our most popular Christian Apologetics courses, we’ll help you make this an incredible educational experience by maximizing your time spent engaging with your students.


Pre-built, Multi-Media

Fully functioning e-course with a mobile-friendly and modern look. Includes classroom videos, written commentary, videoed commentary, a toolbox of outside resources, reading schedule, and lesson questions (answers provided to instructors).


Amazing material

A 10-Lesson course based on the book "The Case for Life" by Scott Klusendorf.


Private Course

Access is limited to only those students you enroll.



If you wish, you may personalize your course by adding your own introduction, contact information, class details, course schedule, and reading assignments.

five stars

"Profoundly grateful for and impressed with this course. Learning the logic and the tactics of the Pro-Life position was priceless! Great seeing the debate with the pro-choice lawyer. Very instructive hearing the experiences of your (courageous) staff. Very reassuring to know you are willing to work with Catholic Christians on this issue. Honestly, cannot think of any suggestions for improvement. Thank You!"

--Jim Kiernan (Premium Course student)

How to Convince People to Be Pro-Life

The Ethics of Abortion

You will be equipped to do the following upon completing the course:

  • State a pro-life case that is clear, concise, and memorable.
  • Answer objections persuasively.
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the major thinkers on both sides of the abortion issue, including familiarity with the relevant literature.
  • Interact with leading critics of the pro-life view and formulate responses to their views in language ordinary people can understand.
  • Critique the theological case for abortion rights in light of Scripture, philosophy, and science.
  • Explain the difference between natural rights given to all men and legal rights given to citizens and how confusion over each clouds clear thinking in debates over bioethics.
  • Organize content for a pro-life apologetics presentation.

Learn from Scott Klusendorf!

Scott Klusendorf is the founder and president of the Life Training Institute which was established to equip pro-life advocates for defending their views in the public square. A passionate defender of pre-born children, Scott has participated in numerous debates with abortion advocates at the collegiate level. His debate opponents have included Nadine Strossen, President of the ACLU (1991-2008) – Kathryn Kolbert, an attorney that has argued for abortion rights in a United States Supreme Court case – and Kathy Kneer, President of Planned Parenthood of California. Scott has lectured to student groups at more than 80 colleges and universities including Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, Air Force Academy, Johns Hopkins and M.I.T. Scott is the author of The Case for Life and the co-author of Stand for Life. He and his wife, Stephanie, have four children and reside in the Atlanta area.

Scott Klusendorf - Instructor

Learn from Scott Klusendorf!

Scott Klusendorf - Instructor

Scott Klusendorf is the founder and president of the Life Training Institute which was established to equip pro-life advocates for defending their views in the public square. A passionate defender of pre-born children, Scott has participated in numerous debates with abortion advocates at the collegiate level. His debate opponents have included Nadine Strossen, President of the ACLU (1991-2008) – Kathryn Kolbert, an attorney that has argued for abortion rights in a United States Supreme Court case – and Kathy Kneer, President of Planned Parenthood of California. Scott has lectured to student groups at more than 80 colleges and universities including Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, Air Force Academy, Johns Hopkins and M.I.T. Scott is the author of The Case for Life and the co-author of Stand for Life. He and his wife, Stephanie, have four children and reside in the Atlanta area.

Equip yourself, share with others, save lives.

In this incredible 10-lesson course, you’ll learn all the tools necessary for engaging in the pro-life/abortion debate with reason and winsomeness, including important discussion related to the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade.

five stars

"What a fantastic course, although I am not a Christian I am Muslim but this course really gives me an amazing and deep knowledge about this hot topic abortion in a simple way that someone who does not have any deep philosophical background, its dive to the real root of the debate and removes the shallow superficial layer of the argument and delve to the crux of the problem,its an extremely useful course.Thanks a lot."

--Anonymous (Premium Course student)

How to Convince People to Be Pro-Life



How to Convince People to be Pro-Life with Scott Klusendorf


  • Over 11 Hours of Lesson Videos
  • Online Lesson Commentary
  • Downloadable Questions Document
  • Answer Key for Downloadable Questions
  • Pre-recorded "Roundtable" Video Discussions
  • A “Toolbox” of additional lesson-enhancing videos and resources
  • Personalized "Let's Get Started" components, including your introduction, contact information, class details, and course schedule
  • Customizable - Use our reading schedule, Add your live group meetings.
  • Access to Course Content for 1 Year
  • Already purchased the course for yourself?
  • If you still have enough time left on your personal course access, we can work with you to create a group for you.
  • If your access has or will soon expire, you don't need to re-purchase at full price, you may purchase the turnkey course at the student rate your group qualifies for.
  • For help with either of these situations, please email us directly at

INSTRUCTOR Price = $99


  • Over 11 Hours of Lesson Videos
  • Online Lesson Commentary
  • Downloadable Questions Document
  • Answer Key for Downloadable Questions
  • Pre-recorded "Roundtable" Video Discussions
  • A “Toolbox” of additional lesson-enhancing videos and resources
  • Access to Course Content for 1 Year


1-5 students $49.50 (50% off!)

6-9 students $39.60 (60% off!)

10 or more $29.70 (70% off!)


Prefer to study at your own pace, not to worry!

Click below to learn about our Self-Paced version.

Self-Paced version $99 
five stars

"Wow! Scott, I am so indebted to you for the blood, sweat and tears you have given to this ministry - and shared your profit with us. I have much to do to solidify the grounding you have given us, but I thank you (and our Father) for a way forward. I have been feeling like I will have to spend the whole next year reviewing and refining to be able to present a solid case for life (pardon, please), but what a privilege to to speak truth and life - even if my beginnings stutter. I appreciate Ensore's comment - anything worth doing is worth doing poorly. I aim to improve with each opportunity. Thank you for challenging and equiping us to MOVE! I know the God of all life will grace you with His affirmation. You are a good and faithful servant."

--Karen Hayes (Premium Course student)

Clarifying the Debate

  • What are the 3 most important words for any pro-life apologist?
  • What is the pro-life argument?
  • What is the abortion debate about?
  • What are bad ways to argue?
  • What worldview questions drive the abortion debate?
  • The science of embryology.
  • Objections and replies.
Scott Klusendorf teaching in auditorium

Establishing a Foundation for the Debate

  • The philosophical case for the pro-life view.
  • Endowment vs. performance views of human value.
  • The substance view of human persons: definition and explanation.
  • Objections to the substance view from Warren, Fletcher, and Simmons.
  • The problem with body-self dualism.
  • Scattered objections to the substance view and replies.

Establishing a Foundation for the Debate

  • The philosophical case for the pro-life view. 
  • Endowment vs. performance views of human value.
  • The substance view of human persons: definition and explanation.
  • Objections to the substance view from Warren, Fletcher, and Simmons.
  • The problem with body-self dualism.
  • Scattered objections to the substance view and replies.

Teaching and Equipping

  • Organizing your talk/conversation: five essential steps.
  • Structure: intro (attention getter), title, significance statement (why it matters to your audience), thesis, supporting rationale.
  • Why pastors avoid pro-life presentations.
  • Four questions for every pro-life church.
  • Why church youth need pro-life apologetics training.
  • How pro-life talks advance (rather than hinder) the Gospel. 

These books are the foundational source for this course.

How to Convince People to Be Pro-Life with Scott Klusendorf

Course Curriculum

Why do extra work when you could be teaching students in just a few days? Through our most popular Christian Apologetics course, we’ll help you make this an incredible educational experience by maximizing your time spent engaging with your students. The course includes over 11 hours of video and written commentary with further explanations and questions for thought and discussion.

  • 01
The Ethics of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf - Lesson 1

Lesson 1 - CLARIFYING THE DEBATE: Clearing the Ground

  • 02
The Ethics of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf - Lesson 2

Lesson 2 - CLARIFYING THE DEBATE: Worldviews in Play

  • 03
The Ethics of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf - Lesson 3

Lesson 3 - CLARIFYING THE DEBATE: What is the Unborn?

  • 04
The Ethics of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf - Lesson 4

Lesson 4 - ESTABLISHING A FOUNDATION FOR THE DEBATE: What Makes Humans Valuable? The Substance View

  • 05
The Ethics of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf - Lesson 5

Lesson 5- ESTABLISHING A FOUNDATION FOR THE DEBATE: What Makes Humans Valuable? Part 2: Specific Academic Challenges to the Substance View

  • 06
The Ethics of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf - Lesson 6

Lesson 6- ESTABLISHING A FOUNDATION FOR THE DEBATE: What About Those Who Bite the Bullet?

  • 07
The Ethics of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf - Lesson 7

Lesson 7- ASSESSING COMMON OBJECTIONS: Encounter with Dr. Zeke Diversity, Abortion-Advocate

  • 08
The Ethics of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf - Lesson 8

Lesson 8- ASSESSING COMMON OBJECTIONS: Debate Review and Analysis / Prepping for Engagement

  • 09
The Ethics of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf - Lesson 9

Lesson 9- TEACHING AND EQUIPPING: Putting it Into Action — Organizing Material for a Pro-Life Talk

  • 10
The Ethics of Abortion with Scott Klusendorf - Lesson 10

Lesson 10- TEACHING AND EQUIPPING: Bringing it Home: What Does a Pro-Life Church Look Like?

five stars

"This course was amazing. Merci Beaucoup. I really enjoyed the zoom sessions because I actually saw and talked with people who care deeply about the unborn like I do, and the lessons downloadable questions because it makes me think and study what I heard and watched during each weeks."

--Thomas Renault (Premium Course student)

Frequently Asked Questions


  • How do I customize my course?

Interested in personalizing YOUR Private Turnkey Course? We offer the option to add customization. You may submit a single PDF file that includes bodies of text, styled HTML content, images, and/or external links. Instructors often opt to add things such as a personal introduction, contact information, class details, course schedule, or reading assignments.

  • What type of payments do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and check cards (as long as they are connected with one of the major credit card companies listed above) as well as PayPal.

  • Is my information is safe and secure?

In order to ensure security, all payments are processed through or PayPal. These are highly secure and use industry-leading technology (such as SSL) to keep your information safe.

  • How many students can be in my course?

That is up to you! Your preference may be a smaller group or a larger group meeting on different days.

five stars

"I was so excited to see this course when it was advertised through Online Christian courses. This FAR exceeded my expectations!! It was so easy to access and so well organized. I could listen to the videos on my runs and then go back and read through the notes in my study time. The reading content was outstanding! The live zooms were powerful as the community aspect made it feel like a real class. I wouldn't change a thing!! AMAZING AMAZING class!!"

--Dawn Jackson (Premium Course student)