Our most popular course has been UPDATED AND EXPANDED and is now ready for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! Enroll today with COUPON CODE: ATHEISTHS20 to save 20%!

Can your high school student answer the popular objections our culture throws at Christianity? 🤔

See Frank explain all of the new material he's added for 2024 and then GRAB YOUR STUDENT A SEAT IN OUR FALL CLASS STARTING ON SEPT.9th!


Can your high school student answer the popular objections our culture throws at Christianity?🤔

See Frank explain all of the new material he's added for 2024 and then GRAB YOUR STUDENT A SEAT IN OUR FALL CLASS STARTING ON SEPT. 9th!

"Dad, I'm not sure I believe in God anymore."

My friend never thought he would hear those words. After all, he's a well-known pastor with a large church and an international ministry. Yet, after just one year of college, his own daughter doubted nearly everything he tried to instill in her for eighteen years. "I now realize that I didn't do a good job showing her why Christianity is true," he told me. "Now, it might be too late."

-Dr. Frank Turek

Empower your HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT to answer challenges to the truthfulness of Christianity! We will equip them to do just that with four practical questions! 🎉

Does Truth Exist?

Christianity cannot be true (nor any other worldview) if truth is relative or just true for you but not for me. This course will show you why truth is absolute and knowable, and how you can logically refute anyone who claims it isn’t.

Does God Exist?

There can be no Word of God unless God exists. You’ll learn three powerful arguments for the existence of God – two scientific and one philosophical. These arguments will also be established without any reference to the Bible.

Are Miracles Possible?

If miracles don’t happen as most university professors believe, then Christianity is nonsense. This course will show you that not only are miracles possible, but the greatest miracle of all has already occurred and we have scientific evidence for it.

Is the New Testament True?

Unless truth exists, God exists, and miracles are possible, the New Testament doesn’t have a prayer. But after establishing those points, you’ll see the Top 5 Reasons to believe why the NT is historically accurate and YES, Jesus really did die and rise from the dead for the sins of the world.

But wait...there's more!

This EXTENDED and UPDATED course

will cover additional topics such as:

  • The Latest Atheist Objections to Christianity
  • More Evidence the Universe Had a Beginning
  • The Compelling Case the Universe is Even More Designed Than We Thought
  • How Creation Helps Us See Why Jesus is the Only Way
  • New Evidence for the Design of Life
  • More Reasons Evolutionary Theory Can’t Do the Job
  • Three More Reasons We Know the New Testament Writers Didn’t Lie

And so many more!


five stars

"This is AMAZING! This is a product I'd recommend to anyone. I am a pastor and this will help in my teaching tremendously. Frank is funny and entertaining, but most importantly SMART--like CRAZY SMART. "

-- John Norcross (SELF-PACED course student)

Your Child's Instructor: Dr. Frank Turek!
Dr. Frank Turek - President of CrossExamined.org
Dr. Frank Turek - President of CrossExamined.org
Dr. Frank Turek - President of CrossExamined.org - engaging with college student

This 12-week PREMIUM COURSE offers 7 LIVE Zoom sessions where your high school student can ask questions and participate in LIVE discussions with Dr. Frank Turek!

Dr. Frank Turek has been providing evidence and answering questions from believers and non-believers about the Christian faith for over 20 years. He is a dynamic speaker and award-winning author or co-author of four books: Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to make their Case, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism, Hollywood Heroes, and Legislating Morality. As the President of CrossExamined.org, Frank presents powerful and entertaining evidence for Christianity at churches, high schools and at secular college campuses that are often hostile to his message. He has also debated several prominent atheists including Christopher Hitchens and David Silverman, president of American Atheists.

Dr. John Ferrer

Joining the course as a guest instructor is Dr. John Ferrer, a licensed minister with degrees from Charleston Southern (BA), Southern Evangelical Seminary (MDiv), and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (ThM, PhD). His doctorate is in the philosophy of religion, with a minor in ethics. John is also a teaching fellow with Equal Rights Institute and president of Pella Pro-Life in his hometown of Pella, Iowa. There he resides with his lovely and brilliant wife Hillary Ferrer, founder of Mama Bear Apologetics. Together they specialize in cultural apologetics with an emphasis on family-based apologetic training.

YES! I want my son or daughter to learn from Frank and John!
five stars

This is by far one of the best courses I have ever taken and an answer to prayer. I was looking for a course that would help me lay a strong foundation for my children, defend my faith, as well as answer questions for those truly seeking. The people I encounter in my medical profession and in this current culture want logical, intellectual answers to the questions they have. The next time I hear "I believe in science", or my child asks, "How can we know God exists if we can't see Him", I have the resources and answers for them. This course is challenging, laid out in a systematic way that helps you retain what you have learned and fun. It is successful at taking tough scientific and philosophical concepts and breaking them down into bite size pieces you are able to retain. The videos and material are engaging, well done, and Frank is brilliant! I can not recommend it enough.

-- Christina Jenkins (PREMIUM course student)

We Have a Problem in America...

- Nearly 75% of young Christians leave the faith after high school.

- College professors are 5 times more likely to identify as atheist than the general public

- Why are young Christians being talked out of it? THEY WERE NEVER TALKED INTO IT!

Why I Still Don't Have Enough Faith to be An Atheist

High School Edition [UPDATED & EXPANDED]


Why I Still Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (Updated and Expanded) - High School Edition with Dr. Frank Turek

  • 12 Complete Lessons
  • 7+ Hours of Video Lessons
  • Online Lesson Commentary
  • PowerPoint PDFs from Video Lessons
  • A "Toolbox" of Additional Lesson-Enhancing Videos and Resources
  • Downloadable Questions Document
  • Question Answer Key
  • Private Discussion Group
  • In-Depth Course Assignments and Quizzes
  • 7 LIVE Interactive Group Sessions with Frank
  • Access to Course Content for 1 Year

COURSE Price = $269 $215


Save Your Child a Seat!
five stars

" Been a Christian for 58 years. I wish I would have taken a course like this at the beginning of my walk with the Lord. Because of the course and its teachings, I gained a new perspective about our amazing God and want to serve Jesus more vigorously in the mission to tell people about Him. I'm equipped to do a much better job because of Frank Turek's training and him introducing me to his apologetic friends. I thank God for this training."

-- Craig Reynolds (PREMIUM course student)

How will your student respond?

Course Curriculum

Students wishing to earn a certificate of completion for this course MUST do the following:

  • 01
Lesson 1 - Does Truth Exist? The Roadrunner Tactic

Lesson 1 : Does Truth Exist? The Roadrunner Tactic

  • Why Are You Here and What are You Doing?
  • The Laws About Truth
  • A Response to Common Non-Sense: "The Roadrunner Tactic"
  • The Roadrunner Tactic & The Truth About Truth

  • 02
Lesson 2 - Does God Exist? In the Beginning...

Lesson 2: Does God Exist? In the Beginning . . .

  • What Do You Mean by "God?"
  • Evidence of God: SURGE
  • Attributes of the First Cause
  • How Old Is The Universe?
  • 03
Lesson 3 - Does God Exist? Divine Design

Lesson 3: Does God Exist? Divine Design

  • Evidence of Divine Design
  • A Universe with Life - The Anthropic Principle
  • Attempted Responses to the Teleological Argument
  • 04
Lesson 4 - Does God Exist? The Origin of Life

Lesson 4: Does God Exist? The Origin of Life

  • The Origin of Life Problem
  • Investigating the Origins of First Life
  • Natural Causes vs Supernatural Causes: What Does Science Say?
  • 05
Lesson 5 - Does God Exist? What About Evolution

Lesson 5: Does God Exist?- What About Evolution?

  • Introduction
  • Does Science Say Anything?
  • Evolution: Understanding The Definitions & Evidence
  • Understanding The 2nd Argument: Macro Evolution
  • Comparing The Evidence: Macro-Evolution vs Creation
  • 06
Lesson 6 - Does God Exist? The Moral Law

Lesson 6: Does God Exist? The Moral Law

  • Is Morality Real or Relative?
  • Confusions About the Moral Argument
  • Conclusions from Everything We've Learned So Far
  • 07
Lesson 7 - Are Miracles Possible? Signs of God or Gullibility

Lesson 7: Are Miracles Possible? Signs of God or Gullibility

  • The Possibility & Purpose of Miracles
  • Scientific & Philosophical Bias
  • Objections to Miracles
  • 08
Lesson 8 - Is the New Testament True? Do We Have an Accurate Copy?

Lesson 8: Is the New Testament True? Do We Have an Accurate Copy?

  • How Do We Know We Have An Accurate Copy?
  • Misquoting Jesus
  • Q&A
  • 09
Lesson 9 - Did The New Testament Writers Tell the Truth? Part 1

Lesson 9: Did the NT Writers Tell the Truth? -

Part 1

  • Evidence the NT is True: Early Testimony
  • Evidence the NT is True: Eyewitness Testimony
  • Evidence the NT is True: Embarrassing Testimony
  • 10
Lesson 10 - Did The New Testament Writers Tell the Truth? Part 2

Lesson 10: Did the NT Writers Tell the Truth? -

Part 2

  • Evidence the NT is True: Excruciating Testimony
  • Evidence the NT is True: Expected Testimony
  • Evidence the NT is True: Extra-Biblical Testimony
  • 11
Lesson 11 - Who is Jesus? What Books Should Be in the Bible?

Lesson 11: Who is Jesus? What Books Should be in the Bible?

  • Who Is Jesus & What Did He Teach About the Bible?
  • What Books Should Be In The Bible?
  • Responding to Objections
  • 12
Lesson 12 - So What If It's True?

Lesson 12: So What If It's True?

  • What Will You Do?
  • Q&A

COURSE Price = $269 $215


Space is LIMITED!

YES! Please Save My Child a Seat!
Are You Paying for Atheism?

"Children spend the majority of their waking hours in school. Parents invest a good portion of their life savings in college education and entrust their offspring to people who are supposed to educate them. Isn't it wonderful that educators have figured out a way to make parents the instruments of their own undoing? Isn't it brilliant that they have persuaded Christian moms and dads to finance the destruction of their own beliefs and values? Who said atheists aren't clever?"

- Dinesh D'Souza, What's So Great About Christianity

Prefer your high school student to learn on their own schedule? Not to worry!

Click below to learn about the SELF-PACED version of this course.

Learn More
five stars

"Fantastic interaction with other like minded believers seeking to give answers to the questions that are asked. Covers much more than is in the book and the lessons. Do the live course via Zoom. Very helpful."

-- Andy Taylor (PREMIUM course student)

Why I Still Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (High School Edition) - Free Preview

Want to check out some samples of the course materials to see if it's a good fit?

Click the button below!


Frequently Asked Questions


When do the LIVE Zoom sessions take place for the PREMIUM course?

Tuesdays @ 9 PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific). Each meeting lasts 1 hour. Please click HERE to download the course schedule to see the specific dates of the Zoom sessions.

What type of payments do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and check cards (as long as they are connected with one of the major credit card companies listed above) as well as PayPal.

Is my information safe and secure?

In order to ensure security, all payments are processed through Authorize.net or PayPal. These are highly secure and use industry-leading technology (such as SSL) to keep your information safe.

Can one person enroll in the course and multiple people attend the Zoom session with the student?

Unfortunately, due to copyright, privacy and security issues the answer to this question is NO. We understand the desire to share these awesome sessions in this manner, but each course is a “closed” course. This means that each student enrolled in a course with LIVE recorded sessions, through their enrollment, has given permission for recording of the Zoom sessions for use by the student’s in their enrolled class ONLY and verified that they are not a minor. To remain GDPR compliant and protect privacy and security, we authenticate each student joining our Zoom meetings. This privacy is also sought to create a place where our students get to know the others in their group and feel comfortable in sharing personal thoughts and questions.